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Improve Energy Efficiency

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 What is ee-wise?

Energy Efficiency (EE) in construction sector is nowadays the best chance to boost green economy in Europe, generating new business opportunities that will foster high quality employment creation helping to recover a strategic sector ruined by crisis.

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E4R Congress

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E4R Congress: Tools of evaluation of energy efficiency in buildings. - REHABILITATION IN SPACE SUDOE

E4R Project is funded by the European program SUDOEaddressed to agents rehabilitation energy sector, which has as its primary objective to know the actual energy situation and quantify existing buildings energy improvements that can be achieved through the rehabilitation.
Into the actions provided for in project, I placed the celebration of E4R Congress, which aims to provide a framework for sharing experiences and success stories around energy rehabilitation of buildings.
The Congress will take place in Madrid on 12 and 13 November. In it, the Direction General of Architecture and Housing of the Department of Development, Housing, Land Planning and Tourism, of Government of Extremadura, will present the EnEf project.
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Aktualisiert ( Dienstag, den 23. Oktober 2012 um 17:39 Uhr )

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