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LINQ Conference 2012

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"Innovation and Quality: How do they fit together?" 23 October 2012

The LINQ conference 2012 is addressing Learning Innovations and Quality and in particular
Lifelong Learning (LLL), Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL), quality standards
and certification, human resources development, competences and skills, as well
as learning, innovation and quality management systems.

LINQ Banner

The conference took place on the 23rd of October 2012 in Brussels, Belgium,
at the Representation of the State of North Rhine Westphalia
to the European Union

The coordinator Eurocrea merchant was represented by its general Manager
Mr. Gianluca Coppola who has been a speaker presenting the project EnEf
which has been selected as a best practice.

Download the the EnEf presentation here.

Posledná úprava ( Pondelok, 10 December 2012 16:57 )


Renovate Europe Day

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Renovate Europe Day - 11 October 2012 Stimulating jobs and growth in Europe

Renovating the existing EU building stock is a real economic opportunity for Europe.
It is a revenue-generating activity which contributes to urban renewal, strengthens
social cohesion, boosts economic growth by creating local non exportable jobs
(up to 19 jobs created for every €1 million invested), and leads to high public
revenues (up to €5 additional budget revenue for every €1 of public funds invested).

Renovate Europe Day 2012 will explore these wide-ranging benefits that investing
in the energy efficient renovation of the building stock can offer, drawing from
practical experiences at the local, regional and national level, and emphasing the
links with the EU Cohesion Policy and Growth Agenda.

Thon EU Hotel 11th October 2012 from 9 a.m.

The coordinator Eurocrea merchant, will be represented by its general Manager
Mr. Gianluca Coppola who will be attending the conference presenting and
disseminating the project EnEf.

Posledná úprava ( Pondelok, 08 Október 2012 17:22 )

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